Blue may be a bit much sometimes, but she loves her friends. If you think like Blue though, you may read that statement wrong.

Blue may be a bit much sometimes, but she loves her friends. If you think like Blue though, you may read that statement wrong.
I’ve always wondered for the chimera ears are they are par with human hearing or is it enhanced animal like hearing? I know that i have read this comic for years but I dont really got that good of a memory.
It’s enhanced. That’s how Kate was able to “predict” where Life would attack from in the previous fight, she could hear him cutting through space.
One more thing when I clicked on the About, Cast and Bonus comic buttons they show the page but just a black back ground where the content is suppose to be is that suppose to be like that?
The bonus comic page should have been working and I’m not sure for how long it’s been blank. The Bonus comics are on the site so I just need to link them there. I’ll fix that soon. The cast page thing has been a work in progress that honestly- will probably never be done how I want it so I should just give up and throw some really basic stuff in there <_< and the About page is something I should be able to just do, so I will! Gonna need a bit though to get it sorted.
Ah man, it sucks when you ask a serious question and not only does no one take it as one but you get no answer, then you got to repeat it, but then your nagging. Just sucks.
O_o what are ya talking about?
the food question probably, seems rather serious to me ;P
Gotta love Blue. She’s got her priorities straight…