Building a world to play a Fantasy RPG in is very hard- making it as a virtual world for people to go anywhere and do anything in? It’s insane to try and do it on your own… Unless you have AIs and access to many years of history, maps and characters.

I get that creepy feeling from this.
Uh Nami you were once a figment of imagination of Shiden’s you know
Oh nooo….. if they pull from actual D&D wikis this could get … interesting. (Said wikis are not exactly known for accuracy)
especially since D&D has had so many edition changes that retconned setting details. so sorting out what version to use (and patching that to fit whichever ruleset edition is in use) would be a big headache for the AIs.
also i’m curious but given the mention of cosmology.. depending on the wiki being used, Spelljammer might be in effect… which is liable to be even more of a headache since you basically just brought in all the D&D settings ever, and all their respective edition retcons..
I thought Nami, Michelle, and the other androids (is that right? androids?) were once human themselves?
Nope, they were all created artificially.
Except Reiko, she was the only one that was originally…well, not human, but Chimera-A.
If ya wanna be technical- originally she was human too 😛
can we not cause trying to keep track of this stories continuity is a pain in the ass as it is already
Well if you’re jamming all the various D&D cosmology’s together the system might take a while to load. Planescape and Starjammer are probably the biggest two.
Uh, ladies? You ever hear the story of Pandora? You may soon be wishing you hadn’t opened this particular box.
I don’t know the sprite AIs gaining sentience might be entertaining of course them have a mental breaking down cause fuck table top continuity would be good for a laugh or too
so wait astorlogy effects magic in D&D . . .how someone explain it to me in a simple rundown please
Ive seen enough star trek to know whats gonna happen
Yeah, they might end up with a virtual character capable of defeating Data… or maybe even Phil
Huh, Phil and Axel played D&D together years ago? Why don’t they try to invite him to join? It’d probably be a nice change of pace for him, especially in full-dive VR like this.
Personally, I’m more of a fan of Earthdawn and Shadowrun. Though as a German, I’m also obligated to like the Dark Eye, hah.