Everyone knows I wasn’t going to make it too lewd, but also I’m not going to just skip over it- that would just be rude. So, not too lewd, not rude, but a little lewd. The balance must be maintained. If ya want something more lewd Artificial Incident is heating up this week- sorta- hue hue hue.

Ah, a bit of belly dancing I see Phil. Nice. Nice.
Phil is definitely a man of culture. And Michelle looks completely natural in that outfit. 5/5
I really like the way this page lets us know how Phil typically perceives illusions.
Hm, so if someone made a illusion of a maze of glass walls around Phill, and a few real panes or glass were mixed in, he would have a hard time telling whats real and not.
I think if you want to hide the trick, make it an illusory mirror maze, with some window glass mixed in. Everything is going to be see through to Phil anyway, so if you make it just glass to begin with it will probably be more noticeable, the mirrors should help sell it.
Wouldn’t Phil just have difficulty noticing the illusory glass? I suspect that his I-can-see-through-illusions ability is relative to the depth of the illusion. That is to say, illusory clear-glass would be practically unnoticeable to him.
He also has something similar to a 6th sense when interacting with magic- that said, yeah an illusion of mirrors and glass – while complex and a bit harder for him to view he does already have a way to deal with that. Smash with staff. If he doesn’t have the staff- his body is invulnerable soooo-
And if there are reasons not to smash, like not wanting to alert whoever put the maze up?
Well, Phil’s right so far. It’s not that lewd. lol
But I agree with Phil. That outfit should definitely be sheer fabric. >:)
Hear, hear! Any lewdness should be sheerised.
That said, I prefer hula outfits over belly dancer’s. Accentuates legs, and dancers can have great legs.
Implied lewd is nice too.
so is he gonna sleep with michelle? also has he done so already?
You do read the comic- they sleep together all the time o_o
they got him to dress up previously so it’s only fair XD
Oh. Phil’s got good taste. Tactful and tantalizing. There are many cultures where that outfit would be perfect for the wedding AND the wedding night. But to finish the look, Michelle needs a veil over her mouth and nose.
And yes, I agree, it’s sheer or go home for an outfit like that.
What is not shown is more alluring than what is shown.