I mean… there’s lots of different ways to teleport. I get being scared of a portal with perfectly sharp edge due to it being like a hole in space and if it suddenly shrunk- yikes- but… Portal teleportation is probably the safest in terms of what it does… Unless you just dont think about it at all… o_o
Streaming tonight over at Picarto.tv/SageSaga at 8pm!

portal is wormhole, teleport is either temporary space fold or its Star Trek. mm
Er… What is “seem’s” ? Is it possessive (of what then?) or a contraction (of what?) This fox is confused.
It’s what we call a typo. When ya type ‘s a lot – sometimes when when something ends in s and you are typing you just end up typing ‘s and you don’t notice it, and then someone points it out in the comments, and then I miss the comment for a day or two, and then I see it and go “wow- how did I make a typo that stupid?” and then i remember I typed it at 6am-8am, there’s no spell/grammar check on ClipStudio, and I’ve had no more than 5 hours of sleep for each night for the past 3 weeks. Usually less. So- yeah… Fixing it XD
“Crazy way to travel! Spreading a man’s molecules all over the universe!”
If teleportation is the destruction of the body at point A and its reconstruction at point B, then teleportation could be death and the creation of a stranger with your memories.
I’ll take the razor-edged doorway / wormhole, thanks.
Star Trek teleporters are suicide boxes. CGP Grey makes a very compelling argument for this in his video The Trouble with Transporters.
molecular disassembly/re-assembly; she has a nice figure
A HHGG song snippet feels appropriate here:
“I’ll gladly take the high road, Or even take the low, But if you have to take me apart to get me there, Then I for one won’t go.” – The Teleportation Blues, Douglas Adams