After over 20 years… he returns… XD Wow (really wanted to give him a beard but it destroys the little bro look even more so than the slight changes he does have. XD)

After over 20 years… he returns… XD Wow (really wanted to give him a beard but it destroys the little bro look even more so than the slight changes he does have. XD)
I don’t even remember Ethan… when did we last see him? Is this the first time you Tagged him in your comics?
His last appearance was being traumatized by Kiba fangirls who loved his cosplay a little tooo much, in comic 124.
To be honest, I wondered for a long time if he was even real to the comic’s canon or was just a gag from the early, more random humor style of the comic back then. I guess I have my answer now!
no that was Blue’s Bishi friend, Ethan’s only other appearance was shortly after Phil and Kate moved
The comic didn’t have tags back then, and one time the site had to be reuploaded to a new server and it had a major crash because the archive was too big- had to do it in smaller batches, and all the tags got lost when that happened – so tags didnt exist, then existed for a while- then got wiped out- and got started up again. I didn’t ever have the time to go back page by page and add tags either… That would take weeks… o_o
I did that once, for the webcomic. It did take a very very long time, haha.
Why do I get the feeling that Yuki will end up with a Tuxas Ranger!?
I must admit, I had completely forgotten about Ethan’s existence.
Sorry for that, Sage. 😕
A character we haven’t seen in twenty-one years! Wow, Sage, thank you for rereading your own comic. It must be a hassle going through 2700 pages…
You posted a couple weeks ago asking about outreach. I found out about your comics from the links page on another webcomic, probably either Bethellium or Twokinds.
One small question: how much time has passed since the start of the comic? Six years? Eight?
I have kept it pretty vague, and it used to be something you could just go “How many conventions have they been to? Assume 1 convention per year-” but then i stopped doing that XD so- you are very close for sure, I think it’s 7 years.
Presumably the new way for a reader to gauge the comic’s in-universe time passing will be the age of Emi, Aster, and Shion. Emi, at least, has visibly aged since she was introduced
At long last…
just out of curiosity, why does it say “older brother” instead of just “brother”
Giving Yuki [and us] context?
eh, fair enough