Well… They are already making some progress. I mean, she hasn’t tried to kill anyone yet. That’s 100% a sign of some progress! Low bar maybe, but still!

Well… They are already making some progress. I mean, she hasn’t tried to kill anyone yet. That’s 100% a sign of some progress! Low bar maybe, but still!
Someone is in need of the disambiguious section of Wikipedia.
you want to deliberately put deaths host in constant contact with wikipedia? i can see that turning out very badly for civilisation.
Just throw TVTropes at her afterwards – she’ll be too busy to destroy civilisation.
*groan* IT’S A TRAP!
Sage, do the hosts of Life and Death have their own names? It may soon become cumbersome if Life and Death refer to both the magic and the hosts.
Try to give them new names, so they have to either accept the new ones or struggle to remember their original names (unless they were bonded to the magic before even being named).
I can only envision Death-Magic’s expression and body posture being that of an 8 year old suffering terminal parental embarrassment.
I think the fact that she is explaining what a Tablet in um today’s world is also show a lot of progress too
New poster as I just have to make a comment –
It’s hard to know who’s doing the talking, so as a suggestion, if Death is the one talking, please have the eye color turn black.
Good comic.
I think that in this page, it’s always the host who is speaking — but in at least the last panel she’s reporting what Death said to her rather than speaking her own mind.