“I just checked the Mother’s and father’s day fillers from the archive. Btw the archive takes forever to load with all those thumbnail images…”

“I just checked the Mother’s and father’s day fillers from the archive. Btw the archive takes forever to load with all those thumbnail images…”
Knowing the couple, yes, they will be cute. The perfect mix of dorky nerd (no offense intended to anyone, after all, it describes me perfectly) and feline grace.
The word is “Adorkable” https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Adorkable
Moggies usually are cute.
Kitsune, meet kawaii! Kawaii, meet kitsune!
When she says have fun, is that the green light?
The shipper in me would like to think so, but the realist reminds me that in polyam relationships (which they’re already in) clear communication is key. Ambiguity just leads to drama, and that is tiring on any relationship.
As far as their hypothetical kids go, I now want them to have a third kid that is a blondie. 😉
This is weird. I just noticed the mole on her chest. I know, totally off topic. I looked back a few and yup, its there. I mean, with how much she shows off you’d think I would have noticed that long ago. But I JUST noticed it!
And of course her comment about the kids will be cute. I mean, its a common phrase people say. But, we’re talking about someone who can divine the future, so yeah, it’s perfectly understandable that he’s worried about anything she says right now!