Really has an anger management problem, but recognizes it- and so does everyone else! Hmm- Perhaps a Barbarian? No no- she’s supposed to learn how to control her emotions, not turn them into a weapon…

Really has an anger management problem, but recognizes it- and so does everyone else! Hmm- Perhaps a Barbarian? No no- she’s supposed to learn how to control her emotions, not turn them into a weapon…
It’s been just long enough that I don’t remember Sado’s full first name. Does she get a tag?
Sado looked like that one girl from The Ring for a sec.
Make her a Bard or Paladin and force her to be the Charisma talker and learn when to Persuade/Intimidate/Deception, because if she always just go intimidate, she might trigger some unnecessary battles.
Last panel: It’s spelled “blatantly”. There’s no E in that word.
Got it, fixed now, thanks!
Sadako got a relift !
Hair ribbons *can* be creepy, – they are all over public shower rooms.
Only a Macho mom can name her daughter Sado. It says so in the Sado-Macho rule book.
Sadako needs a tag.
How about a Monk? Let her try playing out discipline. Also, she gets to beat up monsters barehanded.
She’ll get a tag once we find out what her name is.
But using your teammates as weapons is a skill set, no?
Her character is going to be very contrary to expectations, like super frilly and pink or something. And very friendly.
she looks creepy without her eyes visible
Maybe Sado has a thing for Lilith? Lilith seems like the kind of person who gets left alone a lot, since she’s pretty aggressive and loud, so Sado just coming up to talk to her may be out of the ordinary. And showing off her new eyes? Classy.
I think her new eyes look rather pretty
No, they are cool as hecc