For those who don’t know, the picture with the Hag is a Virtual Table Top Token with a boarder around it, with some neat special effects. Well- its a DRAWING of that XD. I mostly play D&D these days with a VTT…
Streaming tonight over at at 8pm!

Oh, yeah. I can see this being a humbling experience for an inexperienced player who’s new to an established game. 😁
I like how the hag resembles Phil.
i’ve dealt with hags in BG3, this will not be easy
Ugh, they are the WORST.
When I make tokens for my VTT game, I try to use full body art that I clip the background out of.
I do that too for most of the standard monsters but if i draw my own i just do headshots and use a token boarder- because i dont have time to do full body custom art for people my players are going to murder in 6 seconds XD
Lol fair. Such is the life of a DM. Hours of work setting up an encounter, only to watch the bad guys explode messily in a single round.
Or the players suddenly to decide to go ELSEWHERE and skip the prepared encounter *HeadDesks*
Oh well xD